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Everything posted by Tourin7

  1. Hope everyone is doing well and staying safe... But anywho, been playing World War Z if anyone wants to jump in sometime...Also just picked up Sea of Thieves but haven't played much.. Take care
  2. Happy New years to all...Best of luck this year
  3. Tourin7

    Hi Folks

    Hi man, welcome..Glad to have ya
  4. Tourin7


    Welcome! Great to have you
  5. So after reading the monthly news...I see now why you're asking for "new games"...EFT has a chance of not working and DayZ will most likely be locked to almost everyone...sad days for sure..Here's hoping for the best though
  6. Magic the Gathering Arena A/C-?? (Couldn't find it) Engine-Unity Big player base...last gen MtG game had massive cheats... Would be a fun challenge with an online card game..
  7. I'm really surprised no one has said HUNT: showdown or RUST yet..... /S
  8. Note 5 was the last phone I got to spoof "correctly"...BUT, I started this thread because it busted and the screen repair job I did on it...didn't work...so yeah... cheers guys, good info and feel free to post whatever anytime. **&& Kuddos on getting a Note 10 spoofing...whoop whoop**
  9. *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap*
  10. Not just...mobile GPS spoofers in general. Found a bit of a venture selling some accounts and what not. I used to spoof all the time, but with the latest BS from android I no longer can get any method to work properly.
  11. As title says... I am looking to chat with people who spoof GPS/Locations on mobile devices and such..lets get a conversation going.
  12. Not sure why you quoted me bud, I said it will only be out when it is ready and that they put customer safety and satisfaction foremost... I said nothing about being detected someday.
  13. It will only be done and released when it is done... customer safety and satisfaction is all they worry about, not speed. It's on its way! Cheers
  14. Tourin7

    Welcome to the DevBlog!

    Thank you for always being transparent, it's nice to see how much you care about your product and makes me feel like I am making a better investment. Cheers!
  15. They already answered that last part on this thread
  16. You know we stickin around... Chods has always done me right and I'll always be here to support! Best of luck!
  17. Thank you again...Tarkov please! thanks mate ❤️
  18. EFT Mate, ty and good luck to all, cheers ❤️
  19. HaPpY BiRtHdAy!!!!  Enjoy your day and best wishes!  ? ?

  20. Hi Roy! Nice to meet ya and I couldn't agree more! Hope to see ya around, take care. Cheers
  21. No problem..was just throwing it out there anyways! (I'd personally rather have the fantastic few that we have anyways rather than a bunch of half/assed ones!)
  22. Well, the good news is the game is solid and may very well last longer than chiv...so there is lots of time to get these working well!
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