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Everything posted by -luminosity-

  1. Truly FPS is fairly optimized compared with other games like EFT for example... so as long as you don't have a potato you will be fine.
  2. Please, also use a middleman
  3. Thank you for your long service I will close the thread for you. /closed
  4. Please only bump once every 24 hrs this is a verbal warning, also everyone use a middleman if it is required to prevent scamming.
  5. Try checking around with our local "resellers"
  6. This was very funny, but please only comment if you are truly interested.
  7. Don't waste your money the method has already been released. /locked
  8. Just a bit of common sense you aren't allowed to threaten other users for money.
  9. Hello, We seem to have some confusion about the reselling of "duping methods" ounce a customer buys the duping method he may do whatever he wants with it. We don't have any rules against it, although you may not threaten a "seller" for "$" that is considered "abusive behavior." Any member may leak the info ounce he purchases the product it is simply up to them. Example: <- This is considered "Abusive Behavior"
  10. Please watch your language toward other members of our forum.
  11. You may not "threaten" another user to give you $, although you may resell the product since we have no rules stating you can't.
  12. Identified else where? Are you Illuminati?
  13. You will not be warned for reviving this thread feel free to post your rigs below :D!
  14. Sorry I've misinformed some of you, but it would need to be US region account.
  15. Looking for EFT account (NA) pm me offers !
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