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Everything posted by alltaken

  1. OR you could buy $150k and convert it to 15mil roubles for the same price.
  2. The mods on reddit left the posts up about possible bitcoin mining yesterday so i think if it's well put together they might leave it up? worth a shot imo either way keep up the good work ❤️
  3. We are dealing with Russians, i wouldn't put anything past them. They generally don't follow any Rules or Regulations and do as they please. If it turns out they were doing something wrong then a quick word with Vlad and an explanation of how they fucked over the west and they will be treated like royalty over there.
  4. Yes, he gets enough shit in CB etc when things are on hold or being updated and he must feel a bit guilty this has happened as his number 1 priority when updating is our safety. Yes he can sit there and say to himself "well they know the risk" blah blah blah but he must also be thinking "maybe if i done this" blah blah blah as the reputation of the cheese has been damaged. I personally usually wait a day or 2 after update to see if anything goes wrong but this time i didn't and got shafted, 100% my fault. Good luck in trying to find out what it was that cucked us and getting the work around fixed (if possible).
  5. This was from patch .8 and i'm not sure he can do it in yet .9
  6. I would send in a ticket asking as i know some already had 4 days added on Thursday when it first went down.
  7. this isn't really the place to ask but download the client from the member area top right
  8. Good Luck all If i'm blessed then EFT for me
  9. I'm guessing as it's a blizzard code it would be through their launcher/website? I've never played it so i'm not 100% sure
  10. *KF-GCG-9GN - Destiny 2 Planet of Peace Exclusive Emblem * = number between 1/5
  11. +Rep Sorted me out big time, thanks
  12. alltaken

    BTC Spawn

    i never miss anything i want or need ?
  13. alltaken

    BTC Spawn

    I only seen it as i was passing through that room not before, and if you know what you're looking at/for the markers are fine.
  14. alltaken

    BTC Spawn

    Of all the place's this has to be the strangest spawn location https://streamable.com/zqqmk
  15. Only mods/staff can do that, sorry. Ask in the chatbox or pm a mod (purple name)
  16. Rust is invite only for vip/trusted members and to become trusted you need to be active on the forums and discord etc. There is also no time frame for becoming trusted.
  17. Email change overs take 2 week on accounts. I was going to buy a used account last week but if you're spoofing HWID daily then you would need to get the HWID code BSG send to the email which could be a pain in the ar*e so i never went ahead with it. Just something for you to think about before buying a used account.
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