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About JulianEph

  • Birthday 09/08/1999

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  1. Bump. Account in argentina for sale! Only for 1.99! Paypal ONLY! Full email access!
  2. Donate me that $650 next time buddy. Here in argentina we use a lot of fireworks but i'm not going to spend all that money in my life for only 1 time.
  3. JulianEph


    Hi breda, i don't think thats how it works.. If u need any help from admins or moderators in this link: https://chods-cheats.com/support/ You can make a ticket for your issue. Btw, welcome.
  4. Welcome Buddy, enjoy your stay in Chod's Cheats!
  5. Welcome! In this post I am going to do a country change service Price of the service: $10 usd ONLY PAYPAL (Country change of your own accounts) Some vouchers: (check the images in the attachment) My discord server: Zok's Service Discord My Website: Website
  6. bump. My new discord server of my bussiness: https://discord.gg/rTMN3Da
  7. Welcome! In this post I am going to do a gift card sales service with x amount of money in Argentine pesos. Process: 1-I add you to a friend on discord 2- You send me the money by paypal (the amount based on the amount of ARS you want to buy) 3- i buy the gift card and in less than 1 day you have it! 4- enjoy your games. Finally, the prices are: 500 ars = 18 usd 1000 ars = 28 usd You can order the personalized quantity you want (You contact me and I will tell you the price)
  8. Welcome! In this post I am going to do a gift card sales service with x amount of money in Argentine pesos. Process: 1-I add you to a friend on discord 2- You send me the money by paypal (the amount based on the amount of ARS you want to buy) 3- I open you steam account in my pc and add the money. 4- enjoy your games. Finally, the prices are: 500 ars = 10 usd 1000 ars = 18 usd You can order the personalized quantity you want (You contact me and I will tell you the price)
  9. The cost for the service is $1 PAYPAL ONLY The service consists in that through discord or the forum they communicate with me and I do the step for you. I would only need account name and password and if necessary steam guard code. When i do the change i leave you a free game! I only change to argentina. (My other nick is zoK for what you see in vouchs)
  10. I buy some keys and i need to sell it. $9 for each key.
  11. Hi. I'm back to the community, in the past i was reseller but for few months only. Anything else, thanks for read!
  12. Chod's is the best programmer in cheat's i have ever seen! In the future when i end of study and can buy hacks i will buy this hacks.
  13. Welcome To Chod's Cheats! If you need help send me a pm or look at this page to get help Guide Check these pages are important: Support FAQ Rules
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