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Everything posted by Feary

  1. Thats not the policy, and its not depending on the feature. Simple ESP gets detected and has the same security standards as a full blown aimbot etc.
  2. Thats unknown. We are still testing.
  3. I'll try to pass much info as possible, but there are obvious restrictions i cannot say. I can tell you that CSGO is being discussed if we wanna continue support it or not. There is a lot of competition so it might get dropped. If thats the case we will properly announce it with choice what you can do with your remaining time.
  4. Taking Apex as base would be a good idea. Price is still to be decided. As you can see the hidden stashes are visible too. Wooden and Barrel.
  5. It will be compensated back like always. Please read the FAQ.
  6. Good question, but all cheats should support it soon. We are still testing. Its really just Chod alone. Chod is the only coder both for the framework/client and EFT too. So yeah he is pretty much one man army for months now. Old client showed dead bodies too, it was called "Player Inventory". Thats fine! No, i have 2-3 FPS loss compared to cheating and non-cheating gameplay. You will have wide array of customization, so your screen won't be messy, which also saves more FPS since less things to draw!
  7. Aimbot has nothing to do with it. To answer your question, 1903 is fine.
  8. Well, even Apex counts as full release with ESP, aimbot, RCS. But we will be looking to expand these features. So BETA meaning is pretty wide in this instance.
  9. We will see what options there are. But safety takes priority over "rage" features. But not thrown away.
  10. I wouldn't count on it. It was experimental and fun feature. But with BE i don't think it will happen.
  11. Loot filter and savable loot lists should be a thing.
  12. Its actually way smoother, and more accurate. There is a new font and shadowing, but yes. There was nothing with the old look, so why change it if its not broken.
  13. Hello everyone. We have been silent for the last couple weeks again, but for a good reason! As said previously Faceless' ETA have been missed, sadly some new issues came up delaying work further. Apex launched meanwhile, which is a huge milestone in finalizing the framework and client. We are glad that the receiving of the renewed cheat was overwhelmingly positive, and its only in BETA. Expect improved prediction, more features for "legit" and "rage" users, we can't wait to show you what is being worked on! Other cheats are being worked on as well, expect new beta releases SoonTM. Some other services like the Spoofer are being worked on as well, to make it compatible with more games and iron out some issues. There has been plenty of progress done for EFT as well, this is the project Chod is working hard to deliver to the masses. As you may have heard recently, plenty of new and old providers have been hit by ban waves from BE. This is something we wanna avoid at all cost, security comes first. This was the main reason for the further delay. The new framework works way better for EFT combined with their own .12 update. The FPS loss is minimal and game have never been better with cheats. I understand that some people are/starting to give up, for them all i can say is: Please give us a bit more time to deliver something you can trust us with. Here are some pictures of EFT cheat being worked on for teasing. If we have anything new to announce we will do it like this, please don't listen to other members spreading false release times. PS: Do not update to Windows 1909 for now!
  14. I'm sure your local shop has some okay quality cheese.
  15. This is actually the foundation, now other products will be rapidly coming back soon as we deem the safe.
  16. One light shall emerge from the darkness and light the path for the mass!
  17. Yeah we are kinda lenient with the rules now but straight up naming them are still disrespectful, so please don't do it. Glad to hear that people really wanna help us, however the current testers and way of testing is enough.
  18. Guys while we appreciate your patience and still sticking around or you're new to the site to buy the cheat please stop breaking the rules and don't spread misinformation. Everyone in the team is doing their best to release something that doesn't get you banned in 2 days and looks shit. Another private provider and some other one got hit by BE couple days ago to my knowledge. As Faceless said before EFT might not be the first one to be released on the new framework, but this doesn't mean that EFT is not priority or thrown aside. As bugs and issues plus Quality of Life improvements are being fixed and added the service we can provide will be way better than before. Performance got a huge upgrade in all games and there is future proofing added so there will be no issues with upcoming windows updates etc. Many of you also said that you're willing to test the cheat with all the risks and all. We appreciate the help but that is not how we treat our customers, its our job to test the service and do everything humanly possible to expose you to the lowest amount of threat as its possible when it comes to cheating. Security was always the top priority here, we always took ban reports serious, even if yours didn't get any reply or you felt like you posted it for nothing and the cheat was kept up, meanwhile multiple steps has been made to avoid further security issue. As for last thing, please be patient, we are doing a bit more than just release products, this is a service you can trust. All thing are coming together and i'm happy to say this is the final sprint ahead of the goal.
  19. I provided an update above, that is the best you will get.
  20. You clearly didn't read either of the threads made by Faceless or Chod, this is not a simple cheat rework, the whole framework which is used by all cheats are being re-done from ground up with different technology and code. Till the framework is not completed none of the cheats will be released.
  21. There have been test phases already before .12, now Chod fixes it up for .12 and more testing will be done before release. That is the most i can say and it might be already too much.
  22. It has been said multiple times just in this topic alone, yes when the cheat is up, make a ticket and we will restore the time for you. Do not PM any of the staff members with issues, thats why we have the ticket system. Only DM a staff member if he asks for it specifically.
  23. Its not esp only. All previous features and more could come back.
  24. You always get a new invoice when you subscription is about to run out. I suggest waiting as you get days back anyway and then decide to buy it or not. It will not bill you automatically, its up to you to pay.
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