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Everything posted by Feary

  1. That makes 0 sense. Best time is always couple weeks after wipe. Everyone is running in full gear, very easy to kill them. I tested shortly after .12 and everyone was using pistols and mosins..
  2. We will be working on it over the holidays thats for sure.
  3. As i said it in the post. Please keep the suggestions on hold for now, see what will be included in the initial release. Then you can suggest it on the roadmap and we will look into it.
  4. We would rather not take any money on something that is not done, thats why we don't allow renewals and purchases even now.
  5. Well, since lots of subs expired by now, we can't really post in VIP section. However soon as we are back in action stuff will be moved to VIP section.
  6. I guess its deleted but go ahead and link it.
  7. You just look at the door and say.. open sesame! And they just open.. regular or the magnetic modern alike
  8. No don't think so. Till then try and find a different solution. A spoofer which works with BE. But i'm unable to help you with that for obvious reasons.
  9. As said above the spoofer which you will get with the sub will allow you to play with the same hardware you have now. No additional changes required on your part.
  10. I replied above that it should be in the starting package. As of now configure at each start. I'm unsure what system Chod has in mind for it, since i didn't specify it in the post.
  11. All accounts bound to 1 hwid can be targeted.
  12. As of now they are not being considered to come back.
  13. It has been said before, not confirmed yet but should be in same range as Dayz. So 40 pounds.
  14. Later there will be an option to buy spoofer only, for now you need to buy a sub to get it. It should work for all, but we will clearly say which games and anti-cheat it works against. You should always spoof to keep your original HWID unbanned. In case you don't have access to any spoofer.
  15. I'm happy to say yes you get the spoofer for any sub, and yes it will work against BE. If you do the mandatory restarts between playing legit and non-legit you will be fine.
  16. We might do a window like flea where you can add what you want to see. But that comes later. Regular loot category should be a thing.
  17. Hello! I'll share some of the latest news with you guys, and hopefully this will be the last one before EFT release (SoonTM). Lets look at the stuff that has been happening in the last weeks. Website Sadly, Blazingfast is experiencing a lot of downtimes recently, this makes both the client's server and the webpage go down. We are looking into this and deciding to move to another provider. You will probably see the change happen. Apex Since the downtime we have been testing and it seems like the security issue has been fixed, and it will be reactivated again soon. DayZ This project is still being worked on and its still planned for public release just like EFT. Not much to share about this project, Crookzie is putting in real hours and getting things moving, but don't expect it soon. Dead By Daylight There were some issues with specific features, we are aware of chest/totems/traps not all showing or any at all. This is being addressed and updated soon. Just keep your eyes on the forum for update on that in Cheat Updates section. EFT And now the one you were probably waiting for. As usual i came prepared with some tease pics to get you all riled up for the VERY SOONTM release. This might be the longest and most tested project Chod and we worked on, but this will be something otherworldly. Now, of course there will be some issues, features and setups we couldn't break etc but we have high expectations for it. Nearly all "old" features are back in as starting pack, and these will be expanded upon at a later time (see pictures under). As usual, if you feel something is missing please do suggest it on Roadmap AFTER release. Not all submissions will be added, but all of them will be investigated and if it fits Chod's vision it will be added. With BE added you will have to adjust your playstyle a lot. We still don't recommend going nuts and killing 30 scavs and all players as they still do manual bans. However, its your choice how you use the product but we will be unable to take your ban report into consideration if you have been raging. Remember, it takes 1 fishy kill on a "Content creator" to get yourself banned. And there are many false positives. Here is the tease! Remember, there might be more features at launch than what is shown in the pic. CS:GO Its still not decided if we continue supporting it, or drop it. After EFT release it will be discussed internally and the choice will be announced. For this info please keep yourself informed on the forum! And again i would like to thank you all, who are waiting patiently, or even helping out fellow members with info which gets sucked into the void.
  18. I'll be closing this thread as its just turning out to spread fake info and stuff. If we have anything new to announce, we will do it in a form like this, publicly. Not just to some users, so don't believe them. I'll try to get more info together in the coming week. Chod staff appreciates all the kind words of encouragement and support during this period of time. We are working together to bring you guys something that is up with your expectations.
  19. Chod is the framework and EFT coder. Don does Apexand, DBD. Crookzie is DayZ.
  20. If i get enough news i'll make sure to post them.
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