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Everything posted by Feary

  1. Hello. I have removed your Warthunder. You should be able to pick a new duration in the store. Next time please use Discord for fastest assistance.
  2. During this week we tried to deploy multiple methods and ways to support 24h2 and their internal changes to how our systems works on them. As of now we exhausted the current ways and tools we had ready and sadly none worked reliably on 24h2 or older versions. Some were nearly perfect but still caused random issues on older systems. So until further notice: WINDOWS 11 24H2 IS NOT SUPPORTED. Everything should be working now, we reverted the changes. This will be listed on the store pages clearly. We kindly ask everyone that is within the 7 day downgrade window to downgrade if they wanna continue using our services. We will let you know soon as we find another ways to make it work, we will support it eventually.
  3. Looking to sell a standard key i received for UH reimbursement. Its a key, not an account. Allows you to make your own account with email etc. Can be activated in any region. Looking for 50 EUR. PP or crypto.
  4. Hello everyone! Our Level Zero: Extraction is now released and ready to be played! Don't be hunted, be the hunter. Now you can dominate other players and alien players alike, do all the quests with breeze using ghost mode and many other features. Available now in the store! https://chods-cheats.com/store/category/86-level-zero-extraction/ Check this teaser match here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHlUindFBnI
  5. Killers from Outer Space FREE WEEKEND IS A GO! Get the red nose and white face paint, time to make some console people regret not buying pc! https://chods-cheats.com/store/product/179-killer-clowns-from-outer-space-free-weekend/ Free until Monday, July 1.
  6. The time has come. Close the curtains, send the wife and kids to their mother, get the cheese from the fridge and dress up in the klown outfit. We are happy to announce our 7 Days To Die cheese available now! It has the usual esp feature caveat and some very game breaking ones. We will actively expand upon the features request by customers. Before you rush to grab it from the store, we also decided to run a very chilly 25% off Summer Sale! Use this code to cool down and ruin some people's day: SUMMER25 Now the third announcement! We fixed that annoying crashing issue in Killers From Outer Space: The Video Game. Added 1 week for everyone for the inconvenience it caused. Plus, we have an upcoming free weekend starting this Friday! We will drop another announcement when it goes live so keep yourself updated! Grab 7 Days To Die here: https://chods-cheats.com/store/category/84-7-days-to-die-cheats/ Browse our shop here: https://chods-cheats.com/store/ Remember SUMMER25 for 25% off! Chod's Cheats team wishes you all a good cheese melting hot summer!
  7. Happy to hear you are pleased. While we are busy on many fronts we will try to give this product the usual Chod treatment and make it feature rich as possible. Since we are new to the Engine it might take some time before you see full accurate prediction and other features we are definitely interested expanding the features for this game.
  8. Wrong section. Please make sure you post in the right section. A lot of products got updated yesterday so it took some time but was updated within hours.
  9. Making false promises and missing deadlines is even worse. We could have lied for many weeks that it will be up next week. And then we get people calling in sick at work to play again (yes it happens) to not deliver.
  10. Hello. Your ticket got reply within 2 hours of you making it. By replying it to again you pushed the ticket back of the row again. We get to all tickets and work all of them out. Thank you for understanding.
  11. Feary

    Enlisted released

    Hello! While we are still working on HuntV2 and Rust, we didn't just idle around. I'm happy to announce that Enlist is now part of our offerings with Warthunder following soon. Enlisted features all the usual features for closet or rage cheating, waiting for your input to polish the product even further. Grab yours today! https://chods-cheats.com/store/category/77-enlisted-cheats/
  12. We might be cooking something in the oven.
  13. Hello. We accept people in waves.
  14. Hello. Payment methods might be different depending where you reside. You can also try using resellers.
  15. Moved to correct section. @sqaudnoobPlease check the status screen it always have up to date information.
  16. Hello everyone! You might have seen that we once again started pushing an update we previously tried on last Friday. Here is the rundown: We always used Dxtory, but we always manually copied the dlls (part of the first time setup process). What is dxtory? Dxtory is a legit screen recording program similar to fraps, bandicam, medal, nvidia shadowplay etc. Why do we need it? We are utilizing its overlay features. Why do i need to install it now? As said previously we always used, but in an "unclean" and incomplete form. Now to increase performance, stability and compatibility with all variety of system we are providing you the full installer with a license to make this transition smooth. Can i turn it off if i'm not planning to inject cheats? Yes. You can even uninstall it but in that case once you inject it will be installed again and requires a PC reboot.
  17. Thank you for the feedback, please post your ideas at the dedicated section here: https://chods-cheats.com/ideas/category/30-palworld/
  18. Hello all! We are happy to announce that Palworld is released. Ideas section is now open and we are hoping to hear feedback from everyone to mold it your needs! https://chods-cheats.com/store/category/76-palworld-cheats/
  19. Hello everyone! This post will serve as a well-needed update to the current situation and news regarding the site in the recent months and for the future. 1. I'll start with good news first. As you might have seen the team increased to 4 from 2 in an effort to cover NA time zones as well. Please welcome @Visionz and @Zodiac as Moderators. After a while they will be replying to your tickets during NA time further decreasing the time on ticket turn around times. 2. Another good news is regarding the recent Rust and Hunt V2 detection. We have identified the issue and has been working and testing on a fix which is reaching the final stages soon. We ask you for a bit more patience as we are striving to make sure your account is safe as possible and receives the longevity it deserves by choosing us. Some of you noted that losing access to discord due to the lengthy downtime is annoying, but sadly as a system limitation we cannot change this fact. So we will send out mass emails the minute we put it back in stock and online! Keep your inboxes nice and tidy for it! 3. Another important update is that we have completely redone the guides and now include a video tutorial to further help. We have grouped all available products into 3 Color codes to make it easier following the guides. This will be expanded and added upon as we see what is lacking and failing to make a clear picture for customers. 4. Survey time! New year and new opportunities to discover, and we want to hear what you have to say. Know a game that doesn't have providers but popular? Fill out the survey found here and you might find something worth your time. Survey here: https://forms.gle/tBT4qDgGtntbRh8G7 5. Onto the sad news. After a lot discussion and research we have decided to permanently discontinue EFT and Dayz. The reasons are pretty obvious, EFT market is so saturated with discord exit scammers, 300$ a month radars and so on. We would rather focus on newer upcoming games, or expand features of our current ones. That would be all for now, thank you for the continued support and patience. 2024 is gonna be a wild ride. From everyone at Chod's Cheat.
  20. Hello! I have moved your topic to the correct forum section. The product itself is for Steam client, but if the game pass versions shares the same file structure as the steam one. It could work.
  21. Hello There! We would like to announce that the big hunt for another moderator located in a different timezone than all of the staff has been concluded. Please welcome @Jack59 who will be fulfilling this role and providing you with help in the coming weeks in NA timezone. It will take some time to get him up and started so he might reply to your tickets with our guidance. The role has been fulfilled, we thank everyone who took their time to apply and show interest and goodwill trying to help us grow and better. When the need arise we will post another position if needed. Thank you everyone and have a nice weekend!
  22. Yes we are planning to have this game in our services. At this time i cannot give any estimates. As usually we will make sure that its working and safe for use. This can be days or weeks depending how long the ban times are for this specific game.
  23. Make a ticket if you are having issues. Media section is not meant for this.
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