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About Desintegrator

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  1. People with their hasty attitude dont remember the good old days where EFT was “up - and -down”. Always. Weekend meant no cheese. And i also remember when they once patched the game, and right dat Friday, Chod made it work. so yeah, here u have to wait for the stuff to arrive. U dont need to be informed, u dont need to be curious, u have to be patient. U are buying a software license, not a happy meal menu. Developing takes time.
  2. i dont really think that Chod here wants to compete with other providers, nor he does it for the money....it doesnt really seem that way. He just wants to make a good code i think and when its done it will be good. as always. I used a lot of cheats for a lot of games. Chods stuff is way better then the others in many aspects. Functionality, GUI and security is far better then the others. Not to mention the price and the support. On the other hand the downtime is far greater and sometimes there is the "on-off-on-off" situation:D But actually this choice has the lowest risk of getting banned. People here really should be patient, or we all can go back to customs or interchange where the aimbot scavs hit us from 150meters, or where the exit camper dude gets us with the mosin while we are grinding for 100scavs in blue helmets at 10pm. think about it. The cheat is far better than the game.
  3. IMO the game is worthless without the cheese, endless grinding, glitches, and people who has tons of time for sniping with mosins. yeah, its funny without cheese sometimes, but not so many times lol, and after you achieve something, then comes the wipe and goodbye. i only play the game because i like the program that Chods makes, but with these many eyes on this group, it will be the hardest thing to make progress. i miss the good old days, when the game was fun, cheesing was fun. But right now only some private cheats and chods will be on the market, and it will be chore to battle it out. Every single mofo who has lust for the cheese will come here and get it and many will rage, and that will only put more pressure on the development. Its hard to tell whats the best, but i really do respect the whole team here, the community, and if anything can be done, chod will do it.
  4. im thrilled. Actually i dont really like the game itself. i like using the program u make. Cant wait for it. Keep it up
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