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Everything posted by Firechicken

  1. Probably after the weekend. Usually don't get updates until Monday. And that's if it's ready
  2. Wasn't being like anything. Just stating fact. I agree that it could be useful but I also don't code for a living so I don't know if it would even help or change anything.
  3. Maybe I missed it but I'm pretty sure nobody ever said that if more people agree it would happen.
  4. If he thinks it's a good idea he will comment. The staff see everything that gets posted.
  5. Thanks for the giveaway good sir! I could use another month of EFT ?
  6. I got it last night and played for a little while and it's pretty good so far. I can't judge too much because I never played any of the previous ones though. I'm looking forward to playing with friends once they fix the network issues.
  7. Welcome! There will be no end! ?
  8. Welcome friend. I recommend removing in game name if you don't want to be found by people outside this forum. Just a suggestion.
  9. The features are not what got it detected. I do partially agree with you though that all of them are not necessary but theres a reason there is a safe mode. So people know which ones are "safe" to use. Chod stayed under the radar for a while but a few people made videos and put it on YouTube and then it hit reddit and blew up and got a lot of attention. I think a cheat is given priority by the number of people using it not what all it does.
  10. I honestly dont think they base their ban system off website cookies. If they did there would be a lot of people on reddit getting banned because they feel the need to come on here and look for info and take screenshots of posts.
  11. I have 100% confidence Chod will figure out their AC and make his product near impossible to beat. Nobody else has managed to produce anything as good as his.
  12. Welcome friend. I can see why you would say that with a username like that one ?
  13. I made sure to turn it off as soon as the prompt asked if I wanted it.
  14. Good post. I was actually wondering the same thing. Here in the US I thought it was illegal to scan any files that do not belong to the game directory as that would be considered invasion of privacy. I could be wrong but if they are doing illegal scans they could get into serious trouble.
  15. Always good to welcome someone new. Welcome to Chods!
  16. So far I've been running EFT and SOT and both are great. EFT is definitely my favorite. Haven't used any COD cause of getting banned by using a different provider before finding my home here.
  17. Would be great to win this! Good luck to everyone including me!
  18. I originally found Chods while searching for something for EFT and I'm sure glad i did. I've been gaming for many years and used several providers over the last few, but this is my favorite of them all. I've been using the product for about a week now and its definitely top notch, but there will be a review on that later. I believe I've finally found my home site and plan on being much more active in the community than past places. Thanks!
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