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Viper1999 last won the day on April 29 2020

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  1. Hey back last year I was banned while using chods cheats, it was right when BE was launched, but either way can I simply get a new account and play the game again or does Tarkov HWID ban? If so is it a timed ban or permanent? Thank you
  2. I am sad to say that I am honestly disappointed. I am an old time chod cheats user and this is by far the worse cheat Chod has every made. I thought about doing a cheat for rogue company my self but I opted in using Chod's Cheats because I truly trust them with my main account. I've been only banned using Chod's Cheats once while playing Escape from Tarkov, the game had just introduced BE and I my self could only make a bypass that would last me 3 months, so I didn't really expect much to be honest, and this Rogue Company cheat was no different, doubt i would be banned any time soon and if you want a simple cheat that will not get you banned this is the one I recommend but if we are talking about features and overall usermode competency I have to say I expected more. But lets get into the bullet points I know yall want to see: Menu: 8/10 The theme of the menu is very well designed and is light on the eyes truly a good looking color scheme. But from what I could notice they tried hooking DirectX and it just didn't fit with the game since the menu would interfere with the background game which is not a good sight but it happens. The menu is rather confusing i must say probably due to the fact that its in a vertical scheme and once you click a tab that tab just doesn't disappear. (similar to the cracked version of Osiris for CSGO if you know what I mean). Back in the og days of Chod their menus were considered the best ones, where you could simply right click a feature and you would be able to select a hot key for that, you could change color, size, position of everything but now it looks kinda cheap if you know what I mean. Aimbot 10/10 There's not really much to say here. Simple memory aim, great development, doesn't lag or anything, I would suggest adding the option of selecting more then one bone tho but that's my opinion of course. It had smoothing and an fov and a selection between distance, fov, or fov+distance which is kind of nice Esp: 9.5/10 not much to say here either its a simple esp. kinda bugs sometimes seems like a w2s function problem but I don't really think it is tbh. (maybe using a different view matrix might help idk). Misc 5/10 There was only one misc option which was no recoil and most of the times it didn't work. then it got removed from the cheat, I do know some people who have been able to use it before but it just didn't work for me even tho no recoil is a simple memory cheat. ( my dumb ass probably just couldn't configure it or something). I decided to include what's next here because I don't think it belongs anywhere else; the cheat does not have a config system, which is very unsightly for a 35$ cheat, and having to precisely select your aimbot smoothing and fov every time can get tiring. Overall: I know chods can do much much better. I highly doubt there will be any detections in the next month due the lack of EAC updates that game has been pushing, which is why I believe that Chod should focus more on developing the usermode section of this cheat. I also got one BSOD the first time i injected the cheat but it only happened once so i don't really think it matters. and that's all (long ass review i know right). Thank you all for those who have read all the way -V1p3r's best regards to you all
  3. and this is in the wrong forum.
  4. Make a support ticket. and this is in the wrong forum
  5. Make a support ticket refunds are dealt with case by case. Refunds are only offered if you have a technical difficulty that cannot be solved. Have a good day
  6. Welcome welcome. Yell if you need help.
  7. Chod did annouce that they want to continue the CSGO cheat but it has not been confirmed a date yet. My guess would be that they will be trying to fix and update current cheats before adding new ones. Have a good day.
  8. A gente nao faz descontos mais vc pode falar com um re-seller pra tentar organizar alguma coisa.
  9. using Raid 0 work for most people who can afford it but some people are afraid of doing it since there is a risk of lossing all your data if one ssd fails, but Raid 1 is still an option but no one tested it and checked to see if it would work with EFT. Since every BE version is different for every game and different games read different pc parts but you can still try if you have the cash.
  10. Here are some stuff tall need to know about deadside. Since the game is still yearly into development there are no anti cheat as of this moment and if they do decide to get one my best bet will be either eac or battle ye which are Kernal mode anti cheats which will make the price of the cheat increase greatly. But that doesn't mean you cannot get banned since manual bans are still being delivered more frequently because the game is so small and is easy for the devs to get a report about you especially with the amount of streamers, so my advice to all of you is cheat but not blatenly it might seem like you are invincible atm but calm the fuck down. have a great day clan. PSA: sorry if I posted this in the wrong section staff.
  11. Raid 0 is when you link up two of the same hard drives or ssd cards together and that will make your hwid equal 0000000000 which is ultimately bypassing most hwid bans. It needs to be the same ssd and you need two of them, and they cannot be the root (where your windows is installed).
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