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Everything posted by Faceless

  1. Please make a support ticket: https://chods-cheats.com/support/
  2. Welcome to Chods and enjoy your further stay
  3. Thank you for the detailed review!
  4. There was no banwave for dbd.
  5. Yes, thats why its listed as risky.
  6. It can be anything. Wrong section btw.
  7. Hey, thank you for the review. There might have been some misunderstanding. Would be great if you could give us another chance, we are always ready to improve our customer service.
  8. Start cmd as admin and do the following: 1. Disable and stop the WMI service. sc config winmgmt start= disabled net stop winmgmt 2. Run the following commands. Winmgmt /salvagerepository %windir%\System32\wbem Winmgmt /resetrepository %windir%\System32\wbem 4. Re-enable the WMI service and then reboot the PC to see how it goes. sc config winmgmt start= auto If the problem remains, then try the following steps to rebuild the repository: 1. Disable and stop the WMI service. sc config winmgmt start= disabled (note that there is a blank between '=' and 'disabled') net stop winmgmt 2. Rename the repository folder (located at %windir%\System32\wbem\repository) to repository.old. 3. Re-enable the WMI service. sc config winmgmt start= auto 4. Reboot the PC to see if the problem remains.
  9. Thank you for the review.
  10. Ofcourse its getting updated. Downtime gets compensated.
  11. that has nothing to do with the server most likely. But yeah it should work now.
  12. it extended properly, are you using the china server? cause it has a little delay.
  13. You will have to buy another key from the reseller in this case. Or you buy on the store here but then the subs don't stack.
  14. The cheat doesnt work for windows 7. Its windows 10 only and listed at the requirements.
  15. Hey, please attach an image of the error.
  16. There is an option that you can check while opening a ticket.
  17. Faceless

    aim bot

    nobody said that.
  18. yes you can do by pressing insert.
  19. Ofcourse not. Thats against our rules.
  20. forum is for support too
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