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Everything posted by MadMan!

  1. Just a heads up for those who are interested in this type of service. Reporting a user using these types of sites does not mean it is a guarantee game ban of that account. Chods-cheats has no affiliation with this service. Use at your own risk.
  2. You can also use paypal to btc as stated here buy another user.
  3. you should really look at opskins or even bitskins.
  4. You could submit a ticket and have a chat with chod. As Metatron has quoted, you would not fall under that category.
  5. Due to our market place being extremely slow, can you wait 48 hours before bumping again. Thanks, that would be great...
  6. By the way, they can easily revoke prime from an account that has prime on it.
  7. If your friend was convicted by overwatch, he probably was hacking. He may not have been aimbotting, but it might have been oblivious to the overwatch observers that he was wallhacking. Honestly, most overwatch conviction are due to people being blatant with esp.
  8. You should really blur out the name for the safety of your account. Also providing the digit length of the steam account may be beneficial.
  9. He's looking to do a trade for it Chod. Having another user buy it for him.
  10. Hello Alwiz123, As you have initiated a chargeback, we can no longer help you with your problem. Have a good day.
  11. https://forum.chods-cheats.com/forumdisplay.php?24-Promotional-Offers All sale would be announced in the link above. There was a summer sale last year during July. I don't know if Chod will be doing it again this summer. The staff aren't given any notice of when sales are going to occur. You will have to wait to see if Chod will be doing another summer sale.
  12. You know there is a reason why people who sell steam ID leave out the entire link & steamID... Those accounts can be deactivated due to selling them.
  13. bitpay has to be activated manually; send emiiru a pm with bitpay link of confirmation.
  14. In the Pre-sales section there is a FAQ: https://forum.chods-cheats.com/showthread.php?3-Pre-sale-Post-sale-FAQ It does contain a lot of information. You could also ask, and wait for an staff member to reply or a vip premium users to look at the server status and see what it says on that page. This is true, but you could have provided the information for him... To see the server status, yes you would have to pay to see it, but you could always ask prior to purchasing.
  15. you should really read the forums and not post on a dead thread.
  16. This hasn't happened in ages. This only happened to a very few cheaters, less than 5. Any account that has used a cheat that has been detected by VAC will get banned. You don't need to swap systems just to cheat. However, if a provider requires you to use patchguard, and VAC detects patchguard. Do not log on your main account on the OS that has patchguard disabled. We no longer use patchguard, so you don't need to worry about this. If you want to be safe 100%, don't cheat all.
  17. No, we do not accept paysafecards. Chod has applied multiply times and has been denied each time. I think he's not going to bother with them anymore.
  18. 1.6 year old thread brought back from the DEAD!
  19. MadMan!


    I disabled it, because I saw you initiated a chargeback. Did a bit more research, and saw that you canceled it. Then I reactivated your subscription, giving you your VIP status back. Your VIP status was taken away for roughly 30 minutes.
  20. I am unsure what pagseguro buy mode is. Care to explain?
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