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Everything posted by Aracler

  1. Giveaway count me in for CSGO Thank you Brother !!!
  2. I think u need buy cheats first after that someone can send u invite link to discord , what is ur problem ? , just ask here someone will answer it.
  3. count me in Broooooooooo XD !!
  4. thank you for warm welcome Thailand have ton of delicious food hope u enjoy it if i coming !! XD you can watch this channel for guide eat if u come https://www.facebook.com/migrationology its english channel.
  5. huehue, I would like mozzarella if here offer one (it took me a while for search google which cheese that Stretch that i see in pizza ) I hope i can learn more about cheese here. XD
  6. Infestation is really a good game but about infestation cheese its really remind me when warz just release and have alot player play. and i dont know how to find cheese that time i got trap by somescam site that advertised in uc and got banned like 10+ account huehuehue and its first time that i using cheese in game , but warz really worth it when that time really want to travel back in that time for play warz again. well but rn game is already dead i am not surprise that why it only have 7% in vote i give a vote on warz and bf5
  7. hello i am here for cheese only not join here for other reason I am little guy from thailand , I know chod site for a year i guess but before this i never join or active here ( because i didnt interest in legit cheese that time ) for now i just bought a csgo here but the most target that i come here not really csgo. anyway i hope i can do good with this community and got what i want someday. Let's get started chod-cheese. my english not that good forgive me if my word make u confuse
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