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Everything posted by Parahybana

  1. Can you approve my renewal guys ? im waiting thx
  2. this provider is dead about tarkov..sad..but true. no one cares about informing us about cheat
  3. i think era of cheating in tarkov ended... look at many websites around with tarkov cheat,many private websites have disabled status,chod is trying to code cheat for 3 months and no success.. cheat was "undetected" maybe 3 hours and voala,detected again,and many users banned. i dont know.. whats your opinion ?
  4. i expected christmass gift,but that doesnt happened i was bad child ?
  5. Merry Christmas for everyone guys ! ❤️
  6. @Feary hi,its your secret plan to release cheat like christmass gift ?
  7. SoonTM = another month i guess or christmass present. than BE will notice this "update" and online cheat,and boom. another 2 weeks offline or more my thoughs
  8. really nice to see "another progress update" again. You guys are doing your BEST and im happy to use your services again. after release ,i will make safe config again. Good job.
  9. bans here. your knowledge is right . and they deleted all ban reports later,piece of trash provider.
  10. im starting be little bit skeptic. info about status from chod should be good,waiting more than 3 months.. like everyone else. it is problem to beat Battle eye ? its that hard for chod ? or whats happening ? (no offense,just asking kindly)
  11. thank you for the answer IdiotGuy have a nice day.
  12. Faceless can you provide us status update ? whats goin on ? i like to read answers from staff like that, tell us whats happening about cheese,thanks
  13. Name: Lasiodora Parahybana Location:Slovakia What you do(work/school..): Security agent Age:27 Languages: Slovak,Czech,English Online for x hours a day: all the time, 18 hours a day,working on pc veery often. in Job too Experience with our products: Couple of months EFT customer, csgo customer.. maybe year and something. ? Relevant experience: Admin and Owner of fanpages on facebook with 32.000+ likes,moderator on twitch channels with many viewers,moderator on 3 different game forums. Why you think you would be good for this position: I have a lot of experience with people on forums,pages,fanpages. I was GM (game master) many years in game MU-ONLINE,world of warcraft etc.. Im very helpful. :) I am an active member both on the forums and discord,as you can see me daily online :D Anything else: I hope i will be chosen, and i forgot to say this : how about creating a sub room on forum for slovak and czech people ? I think a lot of them are here.. i saw a couple nicknames let me know thx
  14. "Easily detected and fixed, just like in overwatch. I highly suggest to use on a account with cheap copy of the game.Edit: Yes, I got banned for using this. I sent support a message and they said that they had proof (???) Maybe screenshots? " post from forum somewhere in cheating community . be careful
  16. escape from tarkov thank you. and good luck to everyone
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