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Everything posted by devour

  1. Account details: steam level: 1 Games: 1 wallet: 1,50 NOK Counter strike details: Rank: 24 (Prime) wins: 65 MM rank: MGE Hours played: 149 hours. Payment methods: Cs:go keys. Paypal Other methods can be used if requested. Price: £35
  2. Welcome to Chod's the best place to be!
  3. Welcome! Enjoy you're stay!
  4. Great post mate! I came for the cheats but stayed for the community! This place is the best place in the whole word. People are more then friendly and this place feels like my second secret family
  5. Fair enough :OMEGALUL: I Agree with the rest here. The game is dead. The great thing with Bohemia interactive is that they are quite open for the community especially modding. Sadly the game never "exploded" and the modding community never got to get there. Arma 3 uses the Infusion Engine. This Engine is quite easy to script in for non battleye servers. There is always way to bypass the security measures sadly i do not know how that work.
  6. Thanks for doing this Faceless! Counter-Strike Global offensive here!
  7. Hello, Does anyone know how to obtain Adobe Illustrator CC for free? Looks like there's not to much out there and i would only need to complete one task in it so its harsh money to pay for a one time operation! Thanks!
  8. I'm already looking forward for the next one!
  9. Nice poem! Welcome to the club! I'm looking forward to you'r Poem tomorrow!
  10. welcome to chod's! :)
  11. Thanks everyone. That's a lot of positiv feedback just for a sketch. i will soon be done with the end product which will turn into my logo Cant wait to show you all!
  12. Yea sure, i'm also Norwegian. but its not done yet. I mean if you want it as is its fine to me That only means you really liked it anyways!
  13. I agree with the second one. its also the high resolution version of it. I Normally just sketch in something called Procreate for Ipad. it costs something like 10£ but it was well spent money!
  14. Welcome Atmosk! I think you will fit right in! It sure sounds like that! Cya around!
  15. Good morning everyone! The i've picked up sketching the past days but i ran out of ideas. The picture i'm drawing is supposed to be my personal logo and build in to a header. but i'm stuck. Any toughs and ideas? Here is the picture: Strong color Any ideas to expand on this is welcome!
  16. Hello there, There is a new Discord up and running. You'll find the information about it here:
  17. Welcome to Chod's! I hope you'll have a great time!
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