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Viggzd last won the day on August 29 2020

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About Viggzd

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  1. You put the client on the usb. You could also use a virtual usb trough windows or an external program but having one externally is more recommended.
  2. From now on, I'm providing EFT Accounts for cheap prices. Simple method and nothing special needed besides you need to make an account urself and send me the payment trough either paypal or btc. Pricing: Normal Edition: 32$ EOD: 99$ If you have any further questions please don't hesitate to ask. You can purchase/contact me on my discord server which I recently opened. https://discord.gg/HRnbWek Regards Viggzd/Rowed
  3. Headset: HyperX Cloud 2 Keyboard: used to have a Razed Blackwidow but slammed it to death yesterday so now SteelSeries 6gv2 Mouse: Xtrfy m2 Mousepad: SteelSeries HyperBeast Edition Monitors: 2, 27” 60hz (144hz soonTM)
  4. Viggzd

    Noah :^)

    Yo mah dude, welcome to chods :D
  5. I'm using the Cod cheat on my main account. Not using the CS:GO cheat tho :/
  6. Already enjoying them fully :D
  7. Yo, So I've been a member on the forum for quiet sometime but never really tried out the cheats so I guess it's time. I've worked on some different forums before so some people might recognize my name in the cheating scene and some might not. There is not much special to say about me really, I come from Sweden and do basically nothing besides cheating in all types of games LUL.
  8. Viggzd


    Where can you add account balance? I can't seem to find it. My only option is paypal sadly :(
  9. Well, You guys might wonder why BattleEye is such an agressive and "hard" anti-cheat well it's mostly because they take away the possiblity to inject something, There is methods around this ofc. But it's nothing you wan't to sell on an regular cheating website. Also I know that H1Z1 Dev's have alot of spying on cheating websites about this. That's why it's not easy to sell an h1z1 cheat on an P2C website. Mostly those cheat's are private. Regards @Viggzd
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