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Everything posted by Dexter

  1. Still a bit confused if this is also true for accounts that do not show the ban on the account
  2. ACCOUNT I Price : Games: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive: Rank:MGE Status: lvl 21 (Prime ready) Hours: 3.000 Dota 2: Hours: 700 Screenshots :
  3. Sure? If it works I got 5 more accounts that I can use im interested and buy them tomorrow maybe
  4. the EAC version is currently sold out and there is no Eta for more slots.I recommend you to check every day whether there are new slots.
  5. MASERATI Ps: its not allowed to talk about other cheat providers
  6. Dexter

    Chods' server

    Hey, you should use the closest server to you its part of the new client update that try to make it possible to use chods cheats all over the world
  7. Dexter


    Hello edgy nice to have you soon in the community :D
  8. Please be patient a admin need to review your case.
  9. if you want to buy with skins through skf u have to go to the store (top taskbar-> store) put the product in your cart and choose skins at the checkout
  10. no every public cheat will be banned from esea some players with delay
  11. no this hack doesnt support esea only eac if u have the eac version
  12. [WTS] Prime silver 4 account (74 wins/190 hours) BTC/KEYS and the picture has a lvl 5 account with 1 win on it ? please add some real screens
  13. Dexter

    Music Thread

    i hope it does my favorite ones 2nd https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LKeji_w3po 3d https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXJeyUg6DvQ
  14. no need he already bought from me but thanks OrXius !
  15. be patient there is a reason why you dont get your sub instant so wait until a admin that can check the payment is online and has time
  16. could u send me a example ? im interested 0.0
  17. this windows version is no supported as far as i know u have to wait until the cheat client gets updated or rollback your windows version
  18. Its detected/disabled anyways
  19. it doesnt give u any advantage about other members and im pretty sure nobody will call this cool or funny exept little kids that didnt grow up yet
  20. If this rule will be removed i leave this forum it will become the same like these shit to pay forums out there not even funny to call ppl autistic or spread racism
  21. u used vpn or wrong infos ? normal the activation is instant via credit card
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