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Everything posted by Dexter

  1. Good guide but one thing is not right Ipchanger/vpn won't stop any software from saving your hardware id Im not sure if eac records the hardware but they collect some infos on your ip
  2. Dexter


    Welcome to the community
  3. we do everything to keep our customers safe The cheat is pretty safe but there is always a risk of a ban
  4. 1: 06.06.17 2: Valve patched our vac protection 3: We had been undetected for 2 years before 4: No
  5. Price: OFFER ME ACCOUNT I SOLD ACCOUNT II SOLD ACCOUNT III (Got two of this) Games: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive: Rank: Unranked Coins: Operation Hydra (Silver) Wins: 3 Status: lvl 6 Hours: 13 ACCOUNT IV SOLD
  6. 8 mvps(40kills) is the max amount of elo you can get in a match
  7. yes they use the same anticheat as non prime servers
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