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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/01/20 in Posts

  1. If you were to read the FAQs or read around the forums a bit you would of seen that lost time is always compensated instead of making angry threads. https://chods-cheats.com/faq/
    1 point
  2. The account now has about £360 on it as I made a few gift purchases. The transaction you are suggesting sounds a bit odd to me and I'd prefer going down the middleman route instead of waiting for you to withdraw the steam money.
    1 point
  3. No ETA so no idea but when its gonna be up please people dont abuse the cheese !!! use its for encounters and not to go cheese labs and kill hole maps with it ore where ever just the guys on youre pad and dont auto bot its already a extra that you know where they are so aim youre self!
    1 point
  4. Don’t have faith cheat is never stable
    1 point
  5. Man, I hate to say this but I think our days of cheesing EFT SAFELY has come to an end. I have come to the conclusion even if they are able to release a working EFT cheese again here that it will not last long. All Battleye cheats that are public get detected, the sure amount of people here wanting to use the EFT cheese almost guarantees Battleye will pick up the cheese and patch within days - week to thwart it which means there will be a ban wave striking a majority of people using it. I am expecting to get flamed for this post, but why hasn't CHODS cheats had a game that uses Batteleye already? I believe at one time they tried to have a PUBG cheat but was defeated by Battleye so our odds of having a working EFT cheat anytime soon that last is slim to none. It was fun while it lasted but the bread and butter around here is gone and probably for good. They want to say its security related but they have nothing to show us, no updates because they are stuck trying to get around Battleye's detection and can't admit it. I had high hopes they could produce something great but I feel those of us waiting around for EFT cheese are wasting our time at this point.
    1 point
  6. I joined years ago and I am starting to lose faith. Do you find that disrespectful as well?
    0 points
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