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Showing content with the highest reputation on 29/04/19 in all areas

  1. I made another coub guys! It is about "RPK expectation vs reality" XD
    1 point
  2. This is one of the best clients for EFT because they actually care about the players unlike other websites they only want money, here if they feel as if something is wrong the shut it down right away so no one gets banned and that's what is so great about this client
    1 point
  3. bought 10 mil, was quick and easy, thanks!
    1 point
  4. Gonna keep it real simple, Chods is easily the best hack for Tarkov on the market right now. You'd be an idiot to buy anything else. Aimbot With the No spread and No recoil options the aimbot is an absolute beast, PvP becomes a breeze and you''ll always extract with your juicy loot. Able to adjust speed, FOV, bone to your liking. Supports friends so you don't mow down your mates. Aimbot is all round solid, have had it spas out a few times though but it's a pretty rare occurrence. With Chods aimbot, you can be that asshole in labs who just slaughters everyone, or you can just be an above average player, the cards are in your hands. 8/10 ESP When you first open the Visuals tab you'll probably have a seizure from the plethora of options available to you, no joke, Chods comes with literally every ESP option you can think of. The basics are all nice and dandy, skeletons, boxes, chams, the usual run of the mill but what really makes Chods shine in the visual department is the loot esp, want to see what the level 42 with the m4 is wearing? What he has in his backpack or pockets? With Chods, you can. Want to make your own custom filter for easy Shoreline runs? You can. The radar is a bit funky imo but it's still completely viable if you're into that sort of thing. Another neat feature is being able to see the exits, useful for when you've taken a break and have no idea where to go. The Visuals also let you completely remove the visor effect, have night vision and even change the time of day for yourself, neato. 10/10 Misc While not as good as it was before, the Misc options are still solid and extremely useful. Used to be able to speedhack and teleport but they're sadly long gone, infinite sprint was also removed ;(. Buuut, now we have long arms and loot through walls which are lifesavers. You can just run through the bottom floor of the resort, picking up all the bitcoin, tetris, lions and other juicy loot through the floors from a solid 20 ish metres away. The cheat is worth it for this alone. 9/10 Themes Not many other testimonials have mentioned this but you can actually customise the entire GUI to a pretty high degree. Haven't really messed with it myself but you can change menu colours, esp colours, opacity and a ton of other stuff, which obviously all gets saved with their handy config system. Conclusion I've been using Chods on and off for about a year now and haven't been in a single banwave, haven't even worried about being banned because I know Chod takes care of his customers. The cheat itself is perfect, cheap and reliable. Little to no detection unless you're really obvious but even then you might not get banned. Something Chods nails compared to other providers is customer support, tickets are answered within hours and you're compensated for any downtime. If you're undecided because you're scared of losing your account, I'd say go for it and just stick to the safe mode, Chods really is worth every penny. Tldr; Buy it already stop reading testimonials lmao Also if you notice any double spaces sorry my spacebar is broken :c
    1 point
  5. Thanks for the review but please do not mention other providers.
    1 point
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