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Help about vip restoration


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Sorry for writing this topic here but I don't know how to have an answer at my question.

I posted on the vip restoration topic for activate my vip status, i wrote the payment Id, the email and I posted a photo about the payment but my post was deleted.

Was my request denied?

May i have to post another vip restoration message?

P.s. I wrote my email with a bunch of *** for privacy reason, it was deleted/denied for this reason?

Thnx and sorry for the post.

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Only active posts will accumulate towards your post count. Be patient for the time being, unless some tells you otherwise. Chod must manually check all of the subscriptions and I do not envy him for such a hideous task... I understand your concern, but rest assured you have not been scammed in anyway, there is simply ALOT happening right now. ;)

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Only active posts will accumulate towards your post count. Be patient for the time being, unless some tells you otherwise. Chod must manually check all of the subscriptions and I do not envy him for such a hideous task... I understand your concern, but rest assured you have not been scammed in anyway, there is simply ALOT happening right now.

Thnx for the reply, i didn't know qbout the active post thing and i'm pretty confident about chod works, I was just worried for the email with *** causing some problem and deleted for this reason.

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We've decided to hide posts, so people can't copy other people's information.

If I don't activate you, I will approve/unhide your post and tell in the post why.

Emiiru maybe you can help me , When chod asks for the purchase ID , Is it the "Unique Transaction ID #" In paypal ?

For example here is a random payment of mine to someone else http://puu.sh/8lwpJ.png

What should I give chod (from the payment to jamvo) So i will get accepted again?

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Emiiru maybe you can help me , When chod asks for the purchase ID , Is it the "Unique Transaction ID #" In paypal ?

For example here is a random payment of mine to someone else http://puu.sh/8lwpJ.png

What should I give chod (from the payment to jamvo) So i will get accepted again?

You want to give him the "Unique Transaction ID # XXXXXXXXXXXXXX"

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You want to give him the "Unique Transaction ID # XXXXXXXXXXXXXX"

Emmm thanks but last time he said he couldn't find it even though I had active vip when the site went down..

So Emiiru can you approve that what I should give chod is the Unique transaction ID ?

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