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You guys are really starting to annoy me.


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I bought a month sub for deadside a couple days ago. And now i go one snd Poof! I no longer have my subscription. So thanks for taking my money for nothing :/ and of course i deleted my email with the activision code so i cant do shit now. Thanks so much! Not trying to be hostile but this is so annoying. 

Edited by Theifsend133
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1 hour ago, Theifsend133 said:

I bought a month sub for deadside a couple days ago. And now i go one snd Poof! I no longer have my subscription. So thanks for taking my money for nothing  and of course i deleted my email with the activision code so i cant do shit now. Thanks so much! Not trying to be hostile but this is so annoying. 

not sure what your talking about as noone took your sub, its still very much active and working, so iam not sure where your looking.

it would allso be faster for you to open a ticket and ask what happened instead of post on our forum as we wont see it as fast.


fyi take a look under members area and you can see any active subs.

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