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1. Modern Warfare 2019
2. idTech...god knows whatever version... 6? 7?
3. I would like a cheat simply for legit use. Visible only esp, smooth aim/assist, nothing fancy or rage-inducing. Just enough to give a slight visual edge on those realism/HC matches.


Anticheat: B.Net/Activision

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Game: GTA 5 / Red Dead 2

Engine: Rockstar engine

Anti-cheat: Rockstar custom AC


it would be nice to have a trusty aimbot for GTA, and additional features. modmenu's are unreliable security-wise according to most people.

and with red dead there are a few, but they lack a collectors ESP, i think this feature would be amazing if it were to be possible.

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On 1/9/2020 at 6:49 PM, Axooo said:

1. arma 3

2. bohemia

3. cuz its a huge game its awesome and alot of people play it meaning lots of ppl want cheats+no real cheats which dont get detected on a daily basis also i think programming features for it could be fun and maybe smth diffrent as you can do so much with arma

it have Battleeye

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Hunt showdown 

cry engine 


i want cheats for this game because its super fun and hacks would just make it better, no one has hacks for it so it could make lots of money as there is only one invite only website.

it uses easy anticheats so its not that hard to by pass. just would be the best thing in my life lmao.


also escape from tarkov but yall are already working on that so yay.



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Sir For honor would be nice i mean there is few private ones but i dont trust them,
and Rust would be nice from you guys omg i cant even think what you guys can do to it.. Hunt showdown would be nice too.. Would be beautiful with rdr 2 online mod menu from you guys, the quality of cheats you make, others should just give up because the quality is just top notch! there is so much more but yeah these are few games i would love to have it on ^^ Rust is like a game that you need a cheat if you gonna have fun because trust me i would say 70% of the player base is cheaters, so i would love to kick some ass too. got friends with over 1200 hours and we cant do shit to others because they do really have some nice aimbots and esp ^^ GO CHODS!! 
Gotta Love CHODS TEAM!! 

EDIT: i hope it was okey with few cheats i mentioned instead of one,, Just saying ^^
2nd EDIT: i searched for the infraction question i understand ^^

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Anticheat: EasyAnticheat

Engine: Unity


I know Chods use to have it and I wanted it so bad!


I have been using one for 6 months with no detection but it is very basic!


Would love to see Chods revive their Rust cheat and take on some new users for that cheat! Im happy to pay!!


I know you would have a ton of users willing to pay a decent price for a slot!


I personally would pay upwards of 500GBP for an undetected Rust cheat with some decent features!


Edited by D3skstool
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