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Harcules Introduction


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Hi, my alais is Harcules, it was a nickname given to me by my friends so it will probably do poorly in hiding my identity, but who cares, lol. I found this website in search of escape from tarkov cheats, and this seemed to be the best option in order to always win and not get detected by anti cheat. After a couple of hours of using the cheat i realised that the cheat wasnt just some "ok" cheag used to get easy kill, i was very impressed the smoothness to all the cheats and the easy to use gui... to be honest i didnt have much expectations for a $10 cheat, but this cheat was beyond great. 

like many other people, im looking to noe het access to the rust cheat because i know i wont get ban using chod's cheat. Before discovering this website i never even attempted tok hack in rust for i didnt want to be ban and found it too risky, but now i cant wait to hack in rust because of chod's highb quality tarkov cheat. And the fact that the rust cheat is invite only makes me more confident that the cheat is safe and undetected.

sorry if i made this too long, didnt really know how to jam all that into 1 paragraph... im not the best writer :)

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When i said that chods cheats was the best option for escape from tarkov cheats i was comparing it to websites like aimjunkies who have horrible reviews and seem to be selling detected, non updated cheats. When i googled reviews about chods cheats i only found extremely positive feedback mostly on the csgo cheat which was often called the best most advance cheat... and that is why i came here... i just realized that i made this more of a review rather than an intro, sorry

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