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Everything posted by Sydn0v

  1. I came here to ask the same thing.
  2. Sorry if someone else has already asked this, but was just wondering if you guys have any plans for this new shooter. I see you have the finals (super excited about that one) and veiled experts both coming soon.
  3. Sad to hear Faceless but thank you for responding back and putting this matter to rest, even if it's not in the way I would've wanted. Also, thanks for letting us vote on it/discuss it in general.
  4. I see the thread was closed by an admin and there is no RC cheat in the store. Does this mean it was decided not to bring it back even for people willing to pay? 😞
  5. I think all they need to do is update ROCO for fairly infrequent big updates tbh,
  6. I'd pay around 10 USD/month for it for sure. Please bring it back, I liked it quite a lot.
  7. Update: PC BSODs upon launching the game after injection. It was fun while it lasted, thanks CHOD! I wish I had the coding knowledge to update it lol, as I'd offer to do it for free.
  8. I'm installing the 2.5GB update right now. Probably a dumb idea but I'll inject on a throwaway when it's done and take the bullet for everybody. Imagine if it still works though?
  9. Most cheat providers don't do the one injection per boot thing. It may not even be possible with all games. I only know of one provider that does one injection per boot and they are for COD.
  10. Since it's a new season I assume it will be a fairly big update. But if there are no AC changes/changes to the AC...is there a small chance that the RC cheat will still work? If not it was fun while it lasted, great cheat for a good game...at the best price lol.
  11. Ah okay. I guess anywhere in the west where capitalism is king, black friday is probably pretty popular now that I think about it lol
  12. I guess black friday is mostly an American thing?
  13. I like to read about new things all the time.
  14. I actually have the same issue...
  15. There can't be that many subs for Realm Royale...how about that one? Can people still find lobbies in that game or is it all AI bots? Also is anything for BO4 possible? (Very dead lol)
  16. That's incredible of you guys. Seriously. TYSM. ❤️ Almost couldn't believe what I was reading when I got the email!
  17. Are lobbies possible on console or just PC? Also is there anything you can do for console BO4?
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