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Everything posted by enyce

  1. 1. Name of the Game: Knockout City 2. Name of the Engine: EASY-ANTICHEAT 3. Why you want to have a cheat for it: Its a simple game really. Just try to catch dodgeball and hit a player. ESP and auto catch would be nice. Its on Origin. EA and on steam
  2. Honestly I can't complain at all. Every cheat is known to be detected as some point and I had fun using it while it lasted. I rather have a cheat being down to protect more people from getting banned if it is indeed detected. I've purchased cheats from lots of other cheat providers and when dealing with EAC protected games, most usually last about 1 month or less before getting detected. Chod has the best DBD cheat I've used and it went strong for almost a 1 Year without being detected. No other cheat provider that I know of has done that so kudos to the admins/staff on working hard for that and disabling it to protect more accounts from getting a ban. I can only say that for the DBD cheat. I dont know about other EAC games Chod provides. I rather wait till they are comfortable enough to say it is undetected again, that way it can survive the longest instead of getting an instant ban after 4 days of use.
  3. same been looking for cheats. but only found one provider who has cheats for this. Cant find any other provider
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