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About 7Skies

  • Birthday 02/07/1999

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  1. Anyway, cheating is just a new way of playing a game and I can say that a cheat is just for getting some extra information. Some people use the cheat to ruin games. Others, like me, use it to be able to have the advantage without destroying the servers / players. When the people who tell me: "Cheat is not good". I answer them most of the time: "If I give you a cheat, are you going to make me think you're not going to use it?" And that's when the person realizes that cheating is just a new way of playing a game ^^
  2. I understand your point of view and that of @Faceless , it was just an idea given like that .. It would have really helped me on DeadSide for example because with the "HMR" sight it is impossible to use the Aimlock since it will always lock next to it. It is in relation to these kinds of things that the pSilent could be good. You are the dev's, not me so I'm not going to create a controversy and confusion over this, you do a good job and I appreciate your different points of view
  3. The interesting side of the psilent is that when you are spec by a player or the administrative team of a game, it prevents them from seeing the aimbot lock and it makes it easier to kill.
  4. looking more closely at the cheats, I noticed that some games did not have the "Silent aim" mode .. Would it be possible in time with future updates to add this? Ty and good cheating.
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