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About HackerBot001

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  1. I'd be 100% down with this as well, as long as the ID were all private and never released to the public (so it means they'd have to delete the information once they've read it) so that no sneaky hackers find this information, I'd be down for it too.
  2. Where would one see the ban waves for the other providers?
  3. I'm dying to use cheese, I might even commit sodoku ?
  4. My life is sad right now, just sleeping away 13 hours or more a day awaiting the cheese, it helps fast-forwarding life
  5. We shall still be patient and wait for the most delicious cheese of the universe!
  6. Just found 2 flash drives in my current interchange run, thats another 1.2m in 5 minutes
  7. Made about 1.2m in the last hour just by running a hatchling.
  8. Oh wow, I'd struggle to pay for it if it went past 35GBP a month, but who knows, maybe I could scrape something together. From a rather poor country, so dollars and pounds are outrageous in my currency.
  9. Indeed, the customisations in this cheese is amazing, that and the community they've built really hooked me into their website, I will definitely be buying the 1 year cheese when it's available, it is just in my price range. Did you think they might be raising the price of it now that they have to bypass BE, that would be a bit of a shame but completely understandable.
  10. I'm sure a lot of the user base is waiting for some EFT cheese ^-^ Chod and the team are surely hard at work to make the best cheese to their extent of their abilities, so I can be patient ❤️
  11. I'm okay with cheats as I prefer not using aimbot, takes the fun out of things, but to each person their own choice. Based off what the current available abilities are in the EFT cheese, I'd just use all loot esp and sound esp, nothing more (not sure what sound esp does but sounds interesting)
  12. Understood, I'm tempted to just buy another standard account and cheese off that here and then, but that is up to when the cheese comes out, either way, will be excited to use it once it does get released. God Speed Chod and Devs ❤️
  13. New wanna-be-cheese-user here, I'm really into EFT atm and was curious after someone told me about certain cheats for the game, if you were to just use some esp and played "stupid", apart from the software being detected as a cheat, what would the odds of being banned both now and what WERE the odds before? Never used Chod's Cheats before but been lurking the last few days and it seems like they've built a proper community over their time.
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