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Everything posted by Gadiz9934

  1. Hi! I've been a member of Chod's for roughly 2.5 years now lol. I havent really been playing any of the games that are offered in the past but been around as a lurker in hopes of EFT coming back and more recently I started getting into Dayz again after I saw how decent/far the game has come since release. Ive been around the hacking/scripting/modding/botting scene since back in the Arma 2 Dayz modded era and botting in wow back in MoP(Mists of Pandaria). I generally dont play FPS due to slower than average reaction time and being partial deaf due to sinus issues growing up(ear infections and tubes sadly), so i generally have to use third party programs to allow me to compete at a good enough level. With my recent grinding of Dayz, I knew I needed to get Chod's Dayz cheese to allow me to play it. So thats my intro lol.
  2. Because i am partially deaf in my right ear and cant play the game without 3rd party assistance due to it... plus i cant shoot for shit lol
  3. Why would Chod update their info when theirs is still being made? that makes no sense... Chod has NOTHING to do with anyone besides chod.....
  4. Cannot wait till i can throw money at yall until then i and everyone else will wait patiently.
  5. thats pretty difficult honestly lol. my day consists of going to work at 4am getting off at 2 and doing nothing else but games. At this moment im having anxiety/butterflies about the League Of Legend World Finals between G2 and FPX, PLUS being able to efficiently play EFT since im partly deaf in one ear once the cheese comes out is exciting to me because i enjoy those two games that much
  6. this isnt anger, its frustration. Everyone and their mothers are not reading the multiple threads about the price and are throwing temper-tantrums about it lol
  7. it is literally on this same page...
  8. the price that is listed is not the final price... how many times does it need to be stated.
  9. You all have to remember Battleeye is pretty difficult to keep detected from. you are paying for security that you wont get banned. anything below $100(or the equivilent in GBP) is below market standard for everything we will be getting from it. Im surprised it is not more myself...
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