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About Rockstar23

  • Birthday April 12

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  1. Haha aye thanks for the giveaway appreciate it
  2. That's why you play smart. And only use esp for example. Or just play very carefully
  3. Only works if you're pushing them. If you get pushed they have the advantage
  4. Lol, the only cheat for eft i've been using now is a vpn. Get your ping higher. Get that 1 second advatage
  5. Yea lol, when the cheats come out i kindof want to wait a day to use them. Since y,know could be some issues and a bunch of people get detected. I want to wait for it to be 100% and people have been using it for a while
  6. I hope everyone is having an amazing day 

  7. Yea true, but if your account gets reported they can check your stats
  8. Yea, i plan on not using aimbot at all. Just player esp but like a 200m range. and rare loot esp
  9. Yea whenever i'm in raid it freezes every once in a while and absolutely nothing works than i get the big blue error saying it crashsed
  10. Also depends if the account has money and gear
  11. I love cheese bro. I melt cheese and rub it on my nipples nah jk
  12. Mines actually been crashing quite a bit recently too
  13. And players could be recording too and just report you
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