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Everything posted by PeterTheBoi

  1. Hey there guys. As the title says I'm looking for any possible offers for a EU region eod eft account. If you have any offers please reply to this topic and I will try to get into contact with you.
  2. Thanks you guys for not giving up on this. And thank you for continuing at doing what you do best and that is making some dank cheese.
  3. Well yeah hello there guys i kinda forgot to do this whole introduction mainly because i was focused a lot more on irl things. But now because i have remembered that this section exists i will introduce myself. I am a 19 year old from Lithuania a small not so interesting country, I mainly enjoy playing video games and the guitar. I also enjoy cheesing in games like eft but since it is currently down i started focusing a bit more on irl stuff. So yeah don't really have a lot to say about me, just that i enjoy playing video games and try to be really nice to everyone. But yeah that is basically everything about me, that can be somewhat interesting. Thanks for checking this introduction of myself and i hope you enjoy your day cheesing in games.
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