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Everything posted by Bismarck

  1. https://chods-cheats.com/cheat-status/ I bet it's gone forever this time.
  2. I'm glad that there are people wiling to be the cannon fodder, I thank them for saving us from inconvenience. But the risk where obvious and makes this whole salty rant laughable.
  3. Next time don't buy an untested cheat. I was going to buy it, but not before two weeks without detections.
  4. Yes, 7 months is not enough. Give them some time ?
  5. It's totally dead. It was never updated until two weeks ago, but didn't lasted much more than one hour, people got banned, there's no news untill now. Right now my hope is at 2%
  6. Disrespectful would be hyping your customers then take 6 months to release a cheat that can't stay online for more than one hour. Then take forever to <maybe> get online again. Totally disrespectful.
  7. There's that german private provider that had only 35 slots, ESP only.. Everyone got banned today.
  8. Agreed. Even private cheats gets rapidly patched and the price for cheating just skyrocketed. Not even Chod could dodge the bullet. Maybe it's time to accept the fact that cheating in Tarkov is not viable anymore.
  9. So if the government pulls new taxes out of their asses.. Will you question the politicians if that's theft? "Hey, there's this new taxes that makes no sense at all, let's ask the government if it is indeed theft or not!" No, seriously guys, what do you expect the mods would say? "Yea, we totally fucked up and within one hour there was a massive ban to our clients, even though they paid 65 bucks for it"
  10. Well, if the customer said he got banned.. Then it seems Chod is the mice of this story. And got eaten by the cat.
  11. That's the price of the cheat or first-time buyers will have to pay more? If there's a new tax for first-time buyers, old customers will have to pay that too?
  12. You can do nothing about detection, that's up to Chod, but you can avoid manual bans by faking legitimacy. So don't keep your survival rate/KD/streaks/accuracy too high, go in raid with some low-cost gear and purposely let players kill you (not only in Factory), if aimbotting, don't shoot always in the same body part. Don't do things that are impossible to do without hacks like looting unreachable scavs or using speedhacks (they might detect time discrepancies), unlocking doors that you don't have the key are also dangerous, etc
  13. First of all - no one is "complaining" in this thread. Second - even so, it definitely bothers you, cuz if not then you wouldn't write that bible lol
  14. I don't know why people are mad with OP. The truth is that nothing is certain. We might have the cheat soon, and we might not get the program at all. "The mods have said"... Their info it's not totally reliable, remember when Faceless back in October said that the cheat would be released in two weeks?
  15. Because dying more than surviving and losing the itens it's a waste of time. And it's specially annoying in an online game wich has fucked up netcode and people abusing ping. So I either play the offline emulator OR I cheat on the official game.
  16. When you look at items from up close, a dot appears in the center of the screen. Can we have that dot "always on"?
  17. Is that some kind of meme/joke reply? I've seem this very often
  18. @IdiotGuy have you been banned during tests?
  19. Soon™ in Nikita standards? March release
  20. He did not specified at all untill minutes ago. Mind your manners.
  21. Hm, no. IdiotGuy said that Chod is the only coder:
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