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  1. Ayes - I saw the friendtool. Was under the impression it was other CC users. Did not have the ability to add my friend from tarkovs list. This I will certainly recheck when it's up agian. Thanks. IW
  2. Review Keep in mind, opinions are purely based on my own experiences with CC for EFT. Positive and negative aspects of the cheat are purely said in neutrality, and does not neccecarily reflect nor apply to/for others. General: In general, the cheat works as expected. Their system of anti-detection seems to be updated regularly. CCUI/CCmenu is more than simple enough for people to understand. Includes a variation of options for one to play around with. Forum is active and very friendly. CCstaff are also very supportive and in general, very decent and understandeble. Negative points, mostly fall towards neutral/positive and are seperated in categorys to be used as suggestions for future builds. Positive: Simple, yet advanced. Great rate of undetection. Very good support. Safe mode. Great community. Neutral: Fair amount of downtime. Not to be complained about as it is always compensated for. Most of the downtime probably reflects back on safety issues regarding detection. Some is also caused by private matters, which is certainly allowed. One can't be best all day every day can one now? ? Wallhack is fully functionable, but messy at times when one also uses it as a loot finder. Negative: Not able to run old builds of cheat if cheat is disabled. (could be policy related afaik). Some lack of customization options regarding aimbot. Smoothness Locks onto EFT friends (This option exists) Locks no matter what distance. (could maybe be regulated at same distance as WH) Price is a bit steep. Conclusion: Overall both the cheat, and the community does have a very 'well done' feeling to it. The biggest piece I personally find missing is more to be picky about, but hey; that's probably a positive thing, innit? ?‍? Please comment as I certainly think I forgot something I would agree on. Also feel free to correct me. Have not played around with all settings yet. -- Best Regards, IW
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