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About Culprit

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  1. lol thanks for the warning
  2. I bought the cheese like a few hours ago, go in game, third run using only ESP. Five minutes in and the screen goes black, "server lost connection" pops up and my heart drops, I was expecting to be banned but not this soon, click "okay" and then it lets me reconnect to the game, I had just lost connection :thonking:
  3. Well, then I made a smart move when not using my name for this. Even going as far to use an alt Discord to contact with anyone from this forum. CIA psyops level bitch
  4. I just got money because no one knew what to give me, around 1k so that's nice. Upgraded my PC RAM and SSD. Oh, also got a beer mug with my name on it, that was really nice too.
  5. Probably desync? This game's net sucks.
  6. Just moved, won't post a pic until I paint the walls because my room looks like shit. i5 7500 GTX 1060 6gb VRAM version 16gb RAM Ballistix 120gb SSD 1tb HDD B250M DS3H board, it's pretty solid for the price, shame it only has one SYS FAN connector, got lucky with my chinese fans because they come with molex plugs for connecting directly to the PSU.
  7. Usually lo-fi when I'm doing something or want to set the mood for sad boy nites. Power metal when I'm lifting and trap or rap like $uicideboy$ when I just want to listen to something.
  8. Anything Star Wars related except the new ones, they are aids. I love the Clone Wars because of the military theme, it goes pretty deep in lore. I love Trailer Park Boys for a good laugh, it's really wholesome, started watching Seinfeld too, love sitcoms.
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