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About itzphi

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  1. I just can't wait to start finding the good loot lol these hideout upgrades and quests are ridiculous ?
  2. This looks amazing! Thanks for all you do(:
  3. itzphi

    Oh Hi

    Welcome(: This is a great community!
  4. I agree. Excellent customer support. We should squad up in EFT sometime
  5. itzphi

    Hello All

    I've been a member since the beginning of this year, and I have just started to explore this site, so this is a SUPER late introduction I've been using Chod's EFT for quite a while now, and overall, it's been really fun. I'm glad to have found such a tight community where everyone is not only friendly, but also very helpful when it comes to little issues that come up from time to time. If anyone is down to squad up sometime, PM me! We can even started a little Discord server if we get enough people if anyone has any questions or concerns, feel free to message me for that as well. Staff and moderators are always active and super helpful as well! Hope everyone is having a great time here!
  6. Welcome in! Hope you have a great time with the services here(:
  7. Welcome! If you are interested, I'm trying to create a Discord server where we can squad up, trade/buy/sell/give away loot. If you are interested, let me know!
  8. Welcome! Feel free to ask and hopefully one of us will have an answer for you(:
  9. Welcome! I hope you enjoy the services provided here(: Great community.
  10. Yeah just buy it, you will get compensated for downtime anyway
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