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  1. Planet side 2 Foregelight Engine its a cool game with many players also there is no killcam so aimbot would not that be blatant. but besides aimbot and and some wallhack i dont know what can be added since you need money to buy anything
  2. i wonder if there are cheats for it. chods as cheat would be awesome but its BE protected. also ***REMOVED*** had it for a while but they removed it.
  3. collins


    great for what? sending pics and chat? ts is everything a gamer needs
  4. collins


    i dont like discord and also we dont need cheats to play together
  5. collins


    when the cheat is finally online again we should meet in ts and do some quad raids. or we could do it now too. im just searching mates
  6. collins


    ok,thats nice. any special way to inject the cheat or just press inject and that all?
  7. collins


    thanks for the info, gonna buy the cheat if its aviable again :D, but i wont riskt my main acc gonna get a 2nd eft acc
  8. collins


    thanks. some other webside told they doing hw bans so i just wanted to be sure
  9. collins


    is there a special way to protect yourself from getting "HWID" banned and what is your experience so far with the cheat?
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