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Everything posted by LexiiAussie

  1. Whats the word on ETA for Sea of Thieves? Same as EFT? Big balls blocking me from chat for asking ETA
  2. Its almost getting to the point of being down for a year. Don't get your hopes up.
  3. Game - Star Citizen Engine - Lumberyard Amazon trash AC - ? I want people to pity me.
  4. Who the fuck is this guy coming in here blasting people and rules? Get fucked
  5. I back this statement. Loving my time in Star Citizen
  6. Like i said in the above post. But thanks mannnnn
  7. Not worried at all my man ❤️ Just like being told answers , rather then me going searching for shit Im blacklisted for a reason , sadly.
  8. So since the master mod mr god idiot doesnt want to respond to my messages, when can I expect an answer on when our subs will be reactivated and when and how you will reimburse the time we had left since the cheese shutdown and overhaul? Thanks for the 2 minutes of your precious time ?
  9. Nah just stating the obvious before i was told not to ask for ETA;s
  10. We still months out on this stuff? Month , 2 , 3, 4? Give us a shit time so we can all GIB ffs "Dont ask for ETA you will be banned" lol Foh
  11. You will get your time back that its been down, stop whining about it. As for updates.... im pretty sure there waiting for .12 to drop for EFT for that to release anytime soon.
  12. Just curious how much a EoD or Standard would run for? PM me please. Looking to purchase soon.
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