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Hudsonn last won the day on December 4 2020

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  1. I know I'm necroposting but I'd love to see a cheat made by chod for this game. I haven't seen any cheat for this particular game yet.
  2. Been waiting long for this, still not restocked
  3. It doesn't matter how long it takes to fix things up. What matters is that we have a safe and secure cheat in the end. I appreciate everyone's work here, keep it up!
  4. 7/10 So the cheat is pretty barebones right now we only got ESP which is more than enough although it's lacking critical features like bone esp and HP. It runs smoothly and doesn't affect your FPS one bit but more features are definitely needed for this cheat.
  5. Game: COD MW 2019 Game Engine: IW Engine Why: It's quite popular and the grind is quite hard. However with cheats the grind gets a lot easier
  6. Hudsonn

    Squad Review

    Aimbot 6/10 Most of the time it doesn't work properly and shoots above the enemies, prediction isn't too good when it comes to long range engagements. No recoil and no sway work perfectly fine ESP 8/10 ESP works just fine although sometimes the skeleton of the enemy falls waaaaaay behind the 2D Box of esp and causes confusion. Misc. 10/10 It's just speed hack and it works perfectly fine. Best thing about this cheat is that it doesn't eat your FPS like many other cheats. I am constantly above 60 FPS while I use it. Overall a good cheat but aimbot and ESP could be improved.
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