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Everything posted by SugoiBoi777

  1. Hey guys! So i was banned quite some time ago from a really popular DayZ Server Community called DayOne (a bunch of streamers play on those aswell, so its heavily monitored). I was playing on those servers because of their settings and reputation for a really long time but the ban hammer hit me. I tried changing some stuff in my registry, dishing out new drive ID's for my harddrives and a bunch of other stuff and could connect to the servers again using another steam account. Was playing just fine for a bunch of days until i bumped into a streamer again, i guess they background check everyone who comes into contact with one if the encounter is "legit". Ban-Hammer struck again, now im curious.. i managed to get back into the server but as soon as they background checked me i was gone again... what causes this? Does anyone know how they caught up to me again and can share some insight/tips as to would i should do?
  2. Well i already saw a bunch of cheaters in some matchmade games, not sure if they are still actively playing by now probably got banned by now since they were raging pretty hard. Probably better to wait for a while till there is more information regarding the EAC BF2042 uses.
  3. True, i have been using another cheese before that protected me from that on BF5, the BF2042 cheese probably doesnt have that for now i suppose? I will wait a bit longer till there is more information regarding the strength of the EAC 2042 uses before i get into the whole cheese thing again.
  4. How does EasyAntiCheat ban? Is it any good? Only using ESP should be pretty much undetectable as long as the hack itself doesnt get detected i suppose?
  5. will we see a return of the dayz cheat anytime soon (not asking for eta)? ive been looking around for one for quite a while now, i would be satisfied with a radar or esp - nothing more needed for dayz tbh. So yeah, any plans regarding this? cheers
  6. Any plans on bringing the CS:GO cheese back?
  7. How about focusing on tarkov instead of asking for new ideas?
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