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Everything posted by Fish123

  1. Thank you for your fast response. With this HWID Banned Steam account, if I completely remove the game from my library, (Not refund it(as I can't with 300+ hours on it)) that way I would not be able to launch that game from my HWID banned account. But say if I just log into the HWID banned Steam Account will that still flag me or will I need to launch the HWID banned game - DayZ? And regarding the parts, basically will just need to buy a whole new computer at that point. I might try that Raid0, not sure how to do it, but I'm sure its on the interent.
  2. Hello, sorry to bother you all, and I feel like I should know this by now with all the research I've done, but I can't seen to see whats true and false information with regarding this HWID ban and how to get around it. I've been doing some research into HWID banned, and how to get around them, etc. And I've got a question, from what I've read the best way is to buy new parts/whole new PC for a permarent way of getting around the HWID ban. I've also read that, say for instants I got banned on my main account, with serveral games I play, ranging from CSGO - MMOs at all which have different anti-cheat programs. Now I'm wondering if I got a whole new PC, and I log into this steam account (main - that got banned on) will all my new Hardware/whole PC get flagged and HWID banned again? And if you guys could let me know what parts Battleye Log what parts my pc has, to create an unique key for identifing myself. (My PC). and what parts I should highly recommended to change. P.S, I know for a fact that its a HWID ban, as I've created 4 different accounts, with formating partions to reinstalling windows. Kind Regards Fish123
  3. Yeah and/or buy new components.
  4. Don't take this as the "Truth" but think of the EFT cheat, as Beta (like APEX) and they have said before it will most likely be ESP, but i doubt they will changet the price beceause of the Anti-Cheat being Battle-eye. Just be thankful that Chod and his team haven't giving up on EFT, becasue BSG added Battle-eye.
  5. Looking forward to the DayZ cheat
  6. You will all get access once EFT or any other cheat is back up. Be patient.
  7. I don't think, any thread has said that, or at least any Admin or Moderators'. Best chance is to wait and see, as making guesses It just makes people babble to the admins, or when it does come out and the price isn't what they expected. They will moan at the admins and moderator's.
  8. It's irresponsible of you to quote an ETA.
  9. Welcome to the community. You wont regret your stay
  10. Always use a Middleman. Sorry to hear, that you got scammed.
  11. All the cheats are down for maintaince, at this point in time. If you purchased any of the cheats, (don't think you can atm) then you will get the cheat once they are all back online. ps. read this...
  12. I understand the requirements. But, if I had an active subscription when it went down, and the only reason im not a customer at this point in time. (but will be) is because of it, is it possible to gain access to the discord, even though im unable to buy any of them, as all of them say out of stock? Don't worry, I didn't see @sofly1911 post.
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