I look forward to evading battleeye. Ive been cheating in EFT for over a year. You ve came to the best EFT hacksite. You cant stop us, we ve merely been slowed down....
Winter is coming John Snow.
Well, i used pay pal. So im secure for the most part i hope. Lol. I mean, facebook already leaked our data to the dark web. If ppl wanna hack my phone camera tonwatch me fap so be it.
Well, im about to resub reguardless. EFT has been the 1st game ive ever cheated on. I really like this site. Feed back is always fast and i just appericate the updates.
I was just wondering if this still works for the new patch.
I just registered and will download later tomorrow. Ive read alot of reviews before making my choice to join.
If you cant beat em join em.