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About ButteredToast

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  1. I didn't know reformatting/resetting your PC changed your HWID...
  2. Hi. That is about the only thing I understood in this comment. If you are seriously asking if there is a risk of being banned using the Tarkov cheat then the answer is yes. There is a risk of being banned using any cheat...
  3. Holy shit I can smell your GED. It's seeping through my monitor.
  4. Why would someone buy this so close to the wipe...
  5. Chod created a post stating it would take longer to fix due to complexity of the update. Looking at 1 to 2 weeks. There is never an ETA on cheese. It'll be up when it's up.
  6. Another noobie for the shoutbox. Welcome
  7. I've been using ESP and Silent aim for awhile now. Survived 2 ban waves so far.
  8. Good luck! I've been using the EFT cheese for a month or two now. It's the best on the market hands down.
  9. Probably user error, as usual.
  10. Scum, ROE and Div2 would be awesome! I would definitely buy!
  11. Welcome! Hope you enjoy the cheese!
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