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Everything posted by MasterDamienBlack

  1. Hell yeah brother! Thanks for another giveaway once again! If my name gets drawn, I would love a copy of Hunt: Showdown.
  2. I'd be careful how you talk, sweetheart. You wouldn't want to break a rule for being disrespectful on the forums.
  3. Yeah they've been on top of their shit lately. Every-time I find a spot, they patch it two days later. ;x;
  4. Sale is now closed. BSG just patched the glitch today. I'll do my best to find a new spot as soon as possible.
  5. PM me here. I will post screenshots in a reply once I have it fully leveled. 5 dollars paypal as friends and family. Once payment comes through, you'll add me on discord and I'll show you how to do it with a quick walkthrough. This screenshot is from 1 raid. Went form lvl 8 endurance to lvl 22 from just running for 2 minutes and 20 seconds. https://gyazo.com/26ef7a9bde5e98c8ebb93b148812cc03
  6. Selling my 25$ gamestop card for 25$ USD paypal. Never gonna end up using it there, so might as well sell it.
  7. He's already purchased and vouched. Cx
  8. Yeeyee brother. Nice doing buisness with yah!
  9. For the next two hours the method is in sale for 3 dollars! Always a friendly reminder I am the cheapest and quickest provider at your disposal.
  10. Im actually selling it for 5 dollars.
  11. He won't because then he can't make money
  12. XD Doubt you even know what I'm talking about, and if so, go ahead kid. I've made my money back tenfold.
  13. We made no agreement not to re-sell. Don't be mad because you didn't do business clearly. Not like it's a big deal anyways, it's going to be patched in no-time.
  14. Though, since you're what I would call a verified trader, I wouldn't require you to use a middle man, and I'm doing a 5 dollar sale rn.
  15. I can't without giving anyway the method. However, Oxyde, the middleman, can verify that it works.
  16. If anyone is having doubts or feelings it is a scam, please contact Oxyde. He is the middleman I've been working with and he can verify. https://chods-cheats.com/profile/13146-oxyde/ (For the next 6 hours, ill be hosting another 5 dollar happy hour.)
  17. You have no idea what it even is, and if so, its worth what people will buy. If you're not here to say something constructive, then respectfully go fuck yourself.
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