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About MasterDamienBlack

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Rising Star

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  1. Hell yeah brother! Thanks for another giveaway once again! If my name gets drawn, I would love a copy of Hunt: Showdown.
  2. I'd be careful how you talk, sweetheart. You wouldn't want to break a rule for being disrespectful on the forums.
  3. Yeah they've been on top of their shit lately. Every-time I find a spot, they patch it two days later. ;x;
  4. Sale is now closed. BSG just patched the glitch today. I'll do my best to find a new spot as soon as possible.
  5. PM me here. I will post screenshots in a reply once I have it fully leveled. 5 dollars paypal as friends and family. Once payment comes through, you'll add me on discord and I'll show you how to do it with a quick walkthrough. This screenshot is from 1 raid. Went form lvl 8 endurance to lvl 22 from just running for 2 minutes and 20 seconds. https://gyazo.com/26ef7a9bde5e98c8ebb93b148812cc03
  6. Selling my 25$ gamestop card for 25$ USD paypal. Never gonna end up using it there, so might as well sell it.
  7. He's already purchased and vouched. Cx
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