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About Greaper1989

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  1. I mean in theory battle eye could retroactively ban you, if they went back in their logs and noticed an injection associated with your account. Or they knew back then and just didn't do anything about it. Or you did something like test the cheat by attempting to open it while the battle eye process was still opened on your computer, even if tarkov wasn't. Or there is information missing. If you got the same email and message I did when you were banned then I would say yeah probably HWID. Also just because you cheated months ago, doesn't mean they can't ban you for it now. You agreed to TOS and broke them, they can ban you however and whenever they want. Just get rid of all the cheesing files off your PC, get a spoofer and VPN. That's what I did and I've been playing fine for the last few months.
  2. So then I would need a spoofer to continue playing with another new account?
  3. So I got caught in the ban wave a few days ago. I wasn't playing at the time and only found out after I got an email from BSG stating that my account was blocked from accessing the forums and game. It didn't mention it was a BE ban and said it was account ban so I figured I wasn't HWID ban. I cleared my EFT settings and cleared my cookies/cache, and created a new account on EFT with another email a few days ago without purchasing a new game. No issues for the last 3 days with the account being in existence. An hour ago, my friend gave me a code for Standard edition, which I activated on the website with no problems. I opened the launcher and game, (I removed any cheat engine from my PC prior) without issue. Once in the game, I received my gift from the website without problem. I loaded into a Scav raid and was in for about 10-15 minutes before randomly getting a black screen that said "This user has been banned by BE #d145ee". The game was exited, PC restarted, and launcher and game opened just fine. Except every time I tried to load into a raid, I would immediately get "server connection lost." I continued to retry over and over, until eventually when I opened up my new account on the website, there are nice big red letters next to my name, "BANNED". I received the same E-mail that I did on the previous account. So, with a lack of information, does that mean HWID ban? Or IP ban? What are my options if I were to continue to play the game?
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