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Everything posted by DerpZ

  1. Gonna be interesting. Let's see if Lady Luck is on my side.
  2. Game: Darwin Project Anticheat: Easy Anticheat Engine: UE4 This game would be amazing with cheese. Please supply us. ?
  3. Damn. It is truly a beautiful sight. I can smell the cheese already.
  4. Can't believe you guys are gonna give our subscriptions back after so long. I love you.❤️
  5. What is "Test" on the cheese status area representing? Online for 1.65 days? (as of posting this)
  6. EFT might not be the first cheat that comes back? Oh no.
  7. Exactly. Same here. I've already had enough of getting 1 tapped from someone I can't even see. I wanna let them know how it feels. Gib Chez plz ?❤️
  8. If the cheese ain't coming in November. It's gonna be an amazing Christmas present.
  9. I think it would be cool if every couple days we got some progress reports or something like the pictures above, but I suspect it would be annoying for you guys yeah? ?‍♂️
  10. A tear in my eye. It's......It's truly beautiful.
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