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Everything posted by feliperios7

  1. Algum outro revendedor brasileiro? Any other reseller avaible? I wanna buy ETF cheese with credit card.
  2. Não encontrei ninguém com o nome JulianEph#7723 no discord
  3. If you selling, name your (honest) price. Wich paying methods are acceptable? Best regards from Brazil
  4. One thing: I read that a cheese user was banned. I wonder why? What care should I take by using it?
  5. Hey, guys! Sup? So uh.. I'm new on this thang and I'm very interested in whatever this community can teach me. I only hope this is an active community, so I can participate more. With that said, I'll keep reading it's posts so I can improve my knowledge and contribute in whatever I can. You guys feel free to add me or share any important newbie content. Much love from Brazil!
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