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Everything posted by ENGAGE


    The MOLE(S)

    LOL. You mean no one here watches movies? GG NO RE
  2. Need more concurrent players to be worth it folks.
  3. yeah the stats were all in relation to ray -tracing. Not FPS boost/performance. Another marketing ploy. Be careful.

    H1Z1 HACKS

    I'm so exited to become a member of this community. Seems like we all take care of each other. ♥

    SCUM game

    I cannot WAIT to play SCUM. I really hope there is some cheeze for my crackers when it comes out.
  6. Being a new user, I understand your struggle. Just look into any threads and decide if you can or cannot provide advice, or a legitimate comment. If you can, do so. If not, wait till the next day. It's all about keeping the forum active which is important for the support of CHOD.
  7. welcome back bud, good to have you back.
  8. Battlefield 5 - Frostbite 3 The Division 2 - Snowdrop Engine These are the main squeeze.
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