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About ThePretzel

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  1. Name: Luis Location: United States What you do(work/school..): I am a medical contractor. I work for a company that is sent in to fix bad practices in hospitals. Examples being they have a high infection/mortality rate. I lead a team of 6 to go in and revamp the hospitals broken procedures. It's a high stress environment due to the fact so.e of the hospitals are going to be shut down and my team is their last chance. Age:26 Languages: English Online for x hours a day: 12+ I may not be at an actual computer but I have my phone on me checking emails and suring the internet nearly 24/7 Experience with our products: Been using for a little over a month now. They are quality and that's why I havent went back to others. Relevant experience: I manage people, retrain people, and have to do trouble shooting in a much more high stress environment in my daily life. I feel as though this would be a good way to utilize my helpful nature outside of the medical field Why you think you would be good for this position: As stated above I was given the leadership role over 2 years ago and I feel like I can add value to your team. Anything else: I literally live on my phone and I can view fourms constantly for help. I travel for work and my downtime is spent online. With no children or wife games tend to be what I fill my time with.
  2. Lol is this dude serious?
  3. I would definitly buu that also
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