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Everything posted by tcmv

  1. Name: Omar Location: London What you do(work/school..): run my own business Age: 18 Languages:English Online for x hours a day: 12+ Experience with our products: eft and csgo cheese Relevant experience: run my businesses on eBay and Amazon so I am well familiar with customer support Why you think you would be good for this position: pretty much this is all I do already Anything else: i hope i tick the criteria for this
  2. would really like to try the CSGO cheese
  3. Account has 6+ Million roubles, 21k euro, 21k Dollars, the account is level 34 Prapor, Therapist and peacekeeper maxxed out all other traders level 3, If you want screen shots dm me on discord Price: 85 pounds Region: EU Payment method: Paypal F&F Discord: xsd#9141 This is my account dont really play anymore so thats why I am selling. Any other questions contact me on discord.
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